CHECKLIST 2: Standards and Practices
[ ] Are the Facility Manager and building staff highly qualified for the roles they play in keeping the building safe, clean and in good repair?
[ ] Are the building maintenance staff trained to operate and maintain the HVAC system?
[ ] Are the maintenance and cleaning staff in-house employees or outsourced?
[ ] Does the school log reports about safety hazards and environmental problems, pests and maintenance and repair needs?
[ ] Is the work order system responsive to reports? How long does it take to fix or clean a problem? Are repairs done professionally?
[ ] Does the school systematically log student and staff health complaints such as headaches, red eyes, queasy stomachs, respiratory problems and fatigue?
[ ] Does the school log student and staff disrupted and missed days?
[ ] Are complaints and absences evaluated for patterns of symptoms or locations that indicate air quality problems?
[ ] Have changes in the ventilation system kept up with changes in the building or its use?
[ ] Does the school perform HVAC maintenance and inspections regularly?
[ ] Is specialized exhaust ventilation used for equipment such as kilns or copy machines and other sources of pollutants (all shops, labs, photography, art rooms)?
[ ] Does the school review energy conservation practices, air-exchange rates, occupancy rates, and the related impact on indoor air quality and employee and student health?
[ ] Does the school maintenance staff keep current on revisions to ventilation standards and building codes?
[ ] Is there a no-smoking policy?
[ ] Is the no-smoking policy enforced?
[ ] Are there purchasing procedures and policies for reducing or eliminating asthma aggravators, allergenic, irritant, and toxic products for housekeeping, furnishings, repair, maintenance, and educational activities?
[ ] Are renovation, repair, and construction projects designed, scheduled and monitored to avoid exposing people to dust, toxic emissions and odors?
[ ] Do school maintenance, repair, sanitation and hygiene practices integrate best practices for pest management.
[ ] Are pesticides used anywhere in buildings or grounds?
For examples of school IAQ improvements based on Parent Involvement see "WORKING TOGETHER."